Hannah Bronfman People think that because I have dark skin that I don’t need to put on SPF! Wrong! – Hannah Bronfman Dark Quotes People Quotes Skin Quotes Spf Quotes Wrong Quotes I’m an analytics girl. I didn’t get acne until after college, and I was very concerned, not only because I didn’t have the discipline to not pick at my face but then that would lead to scarring and more acne – it’s a vicious cycle that can be broken!
Chrissie Fit I sang throughout school, and it was always my passion. For whatever reason, acting took the front seat, but all of the projects that I’ve been doing seem to have some sort of musical element to them. – Chrissie Fit
BirthdayBrittany Snow I grew up doing all that stuff because I was obsessed with the ’50s. I had sock hops for birthday parties. So I’ve always done The Twist and stuff. It was pretty natural and, with my parents doing it all the time, I’d just copy them. Not very pretty. – Brittany Snow
David Lloyd The whole purpose of maintaining your power in government is to make sure that you stay in government. You stay in government by finding out who is liable to be against you. To do that, you try and put your finger into every single pie that is available to you. – David Lloyd
Julie BowenPatience It’s a war of attrition. If you have patience and a modicum of faith in yourself your chances are not too bad. – Julie Bowen
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