Benjamin Clementine People want a beautiful story. Hopefully my life story is still beautiful, but that metro stuff doesn’t make it much more pitiful. – Benjamin Clementine Beautiful Quotes Life Quotes Metro Quotes People Quotes Pitiful Quotes Story Quotes Stuff Quotes I didn’t blend well with my classmates or my teachers. If you live in central London, that’s probably fine for you, but in places like Edmonton, where you’re almost out of sight of London, you’ve got to pay more and more to get into central London. How does that work?
Isaac Barrow Facetiousness is allowable when it is the most proper instrument of exposing things apparently base and vile to due contempt. – Isaac Barrow
Nathan Myhrvold Efficiency in government is a more elusive concept than efficiency in the private economy, which may be measured relatively easily as output per units of input. What is the government’s ‘output?’ – Nathan Myhrvold
Sara Canning I was a really good student. I was nerdy and ambitious. I was involved with every large theater production at my school. – Sara Canning
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