Charley Boorman People warned us off lots of countries. Someone would say, for instance, ‘Stay away from Sudan. It’s full of thieves.’ And we’d say, ‘Have you been there then?’ ‘Er, no.’ – Charley Boorman Countries Quotes Instance Quotes Lots Quotes People Quotes Stay Quotes Sudan Quotes Thieves Quotes Warned Quotes You need to think Gucci when you are camping – make things as luxurious as you can. I lost my sister Telsche to ovarian cancer in 1997 and my grandparents on my mother’s side both had cancer but well into their 70s.
Constantin Stanislavski Our demands are simple, normal, and therefore they are difficult to satisfy. All we ask is that an actor on the stage live in accordance with natural laws. – Constantin Stanislavski
Margaret Atwood The beginning of Canadian cultural nationalism was not ‘Am I really that oppressed?’ but ‘Am I really that boring?’ – Margaret Atwood
Bainbridge Colby Loyalty will not permit envy, hate, and uncharitableness to creep into our public thinking. – Bainbridge Colby
Felipe Massa The Italians – they cannot talk without shaking the hands. And I am like that, I’m from Brazil as well. – Felipe Massa
Major Owens He testified that when you looked at it through the eyes of ‘let’s do it’, the costs were very small. They were less than they’d had to spend to host a convention of transportation executives. The cost was not that great. – Major Owens
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