Paul Auster People who don’t like my work say that the connections seem too arbitrary. But that’s how life is. – Paul Auster Arbitrary Quotes Connections Quotes Life Quotes People Quotes I can never say ‘why’ about anything I do. I suppose I can say ‘how’ and ‘when’ and ‘what.’ But ‘why’ is impenetrable to me. Every generation always thinks it was better before, and I think people have been saying this for probably thousands of years.
George P Shultz What we want is scientists who don’t become part of the policy discussion: All they do is produce science. If someone becomes an advocate, then I won’t pay as much attention to their science. – George P Shultz
Juan Manuel Santos That has been the concept to my life – setting very high objectives and trying to fulfil them. – Juan Manuel Santos
Hector Bellerin The problem is that people have an idea of what a footballer should look like, how they should behave, what they should talk about. If you act a little differently you become a target. There is pressure to conform. This is very dangerous. – Hector Bellerin
Bobby Scott Today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments. – Bobby Scott
Howard Stern My show was revolutionary, ground-breaking. When I came on the scene, people were not doing a thing. – Howard Stern
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