Melanie Griffith People who think radio acting is easy are wrong, because you got nothing to work with but your voice. – Melanie Griffith Acting Quotes Easy Quotes People Quotes Radio Quotes Voice Quotes Wrong Quotes Oh, my career. What career? I’m over 40. You know who helped me a lot? Jane Fonda. She said, Look at how many times I’ve been up and I’ve been down. So don’t worry about anything.
IntelligenceMichael Hayden When I was at the CIA I asked my civilian advisory board to tackle some tough questions. Among the toughest: In a political culture that every day demands more transparency and more public accountability from every aspect of national life, could American intelligence continue to survive and succeed? That jury is still out. – Michael Hayden
Sam Houston Texas will again lift its head and stand among the nations. It ought to do so, for no country upon the globe can compare with it in natural advantages. – Sam Houston
Gary Peters Set politics and party aside: If it’s not right for Michigan’s small businesses and middle class, it’s never been right with me. – Gary Peters
Jon Lester Don’t get me wrong: I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Even the word ‘cancer’ brings back the nausea and pain, the fear I felt, and the heartbreak I saw in my parents’ faces. The smells that fill hospitals and the constant tired feeling that comes with treatment are also permanently stuck in my memory. – Jon Lester
Alexander HenryHopeMemorial Day On what rests the hope of the republic? One country, one language, one flag! – Alexander Henry
James Murray If you can believe it, I wrote all of ‘Awakened’ around one chapter. That was the idea for the whole thing, so I figured out what happened that led to this and then where it went from there. – James Murray
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