James Gleick People worry about Twitter. Twitter is banal. It’s 140-character messages. By definition, you can hardly say anything profound. On the other hand, we communicate. And, sometimes, we communicate about things that are important. – James Gleick Banal Quotes Communicate Quotes Definition Quotes Hand Quotes Messages Quotes People Quotes Profound Quotes Twitter Quotes Worry Quotes Humorists are using Twitter to tell jokes in an interesting way. It doesn’t have to be profound, and it doesn’t have to be earth-shaking, but it is transformative. Novelists are in the business of constructing consciousness out of words, and that’s what we all do, cradle to grave. The self is a story we tell.
ChangeTaylor Swift I think the tiniest little thing can change the course of your day, which can change the course of your year, which can change who you are. – Taylor Swift
Simon Toyne I’m certainly not the first author to tiptoe into the conspiratorial, religious-tinged territory, but – and I hate to break this to the faithful – neither is Dan Brown. – Simon Toyne
Gad Elmaleh In France, I’m not going to say the audience will laugh for nothing, but you could compare the response I get to the response Louis CK or Chris Rock would get if they go up in a club in Denver tonight. – Gad Elmaleh
Brandon Routh I’m very excited to see where the characters and their relationships go. But in the end, it really boils down to the people who have more power than me, who control the money. – Brandon Routh
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