Rumer Willis People would say I looked like a man or something called a ‘buttaface’, which means everything good but her face, or ‘potato head’ was the big term that everyone used a lot, basically making fun of the way I looked. – Rumer Willis Basically Quotes Buttaface Quotes Called Quotes Fun Quotes Head Quotes Looked Quotes Lot Quotes People Quotes Potato Quotes Term Quotes When I was growing up, I had a nanny who would always play ‘The Sound of Music’ and ‘Bye Bye Birdie,’ so I was always listening to that stuff. My sisters are my best friends and such incredible women.
Muhammad Iqbal Become dust – and they will throw thee in the air; Become stone – and they will throw thee on glass. – Muhammad Iqbal
Niger Innis The slaves had food stamps, too. It was called ‘scraps from Massa’s table.’ – Niger Innis
Jeanie Buss Did you know I once tweeted at Red Bull, ‘Would you ever consider making a sugar-free, caffeine-free Red Bull?’ – Jeanie Buss
Nelly The fashion world has been great. We started Apple Bottoms about seven years ago; it’s interesting to be able to create something from your perspective, for your fans and support. It’s a little different for me, because about 70% of my fans are females. – Nelly
AJ Styles I’m not trying to be something that I’m not, and I think a lot of people can relate to that. They want something that’s real, and I think I give that to them. – AJ Styles
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