Alan Cumming Performing a one-man Macbeth feels like the greatest challenge. – Alan Cumming Challenge Quotes Feels Quotes Macbeth Quotes Oneman Quotes Performing Quotes It’s about how you exist as a person in the world, and the idea that your work is more important than you as a person is a horrible, horrible message. I always think about a little gay boy in Wisconsin or a little lesbian in Arkansas seeing someone like me, and if I cannot be open in my life, how on earth can they?
Mr TRespect When I was old enough to change my name, I changed it to Mr. T so that the first word out of someone’s mouth was ‘Mister,’ a sign of respect. – Mr T
Kelly Gale I spoil myself by getting massages several times every week, and it feels especially good after an intense workout. – Kelly Gale
Aimee Mullins I think that everyone has something about themselves that they feel is their weakness… their ‘disability.’ And I’m certain we all have one, because I think of a disability as being anything which undermines our belief and confidence in our own abilities. – Aimee Mullins
Branch Rickey Thou shalt not steal. I mean defensively. On offense, indeed thou shall steal and thou must. – Branch Rickey
Jason Collins Of course, life is not a Disney movie. Life is messy. There were some people in my family who made gay jokes and used inappropriate language while I was growing up. Coming out to some people was more challenging than others, but in the end, I was amazed by how much my sexuality didn’t matter. – Jason Collins
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