Alice Dreger Perhaps it is because I’m a writer trained in history that I’ve always assumed I would make mistakes in my drafts. Historians know how faulty human memory can be. – Alice Dreger Assumed Quotes Drafts Quotes Faulty Quotes Historians Quotes History Quotes Human Quotes Memory Quotes Mistakes Quotes Trained Quotes Writer Quotes Being a parent of a boy who wants to wear sparkles and grow his hair long – especially when you don’t know where it’s all going to go – it’s hard stuff. I’m not being politically incorrect in acknowledging that, am I? My mother has told so many times the unbelievable story of how, as a toddler, I would demand raw onions and eat them like apples, I think that, at this juncture, it is a story that just has to be believed.
Lucy Worsley You would think that the weapons of a king and queen were perhaps their armies or centuries of tradition but what they have is the power of the media. The visual is almost more important than words because they don’t have that many opportunities to speak. – Lucy Worsley
Brittany Kaiser Alexander Nix has no interest in the Republicans or Democrats winning or losing. – Brittany Kaiser
ChristmasDan Savage Christmas can have a real melancholy aspect, ’cause it packages itself as this idea of perfect family cohesion and love, and you’re always going to come up short when you measure your personal life against the idealized personal lives that are constantly thrust in our faces, primarily by TV commercials. – Dan Savage
Eric Adams We need to empower parents with the skills so that they can stay up to date on how to protect their families. – Eric Adams
Mary Katharine Ham When you come from the school of pat-on-the-head public policy for minorities – as Joe Biden does – I guess maybe it is astonishing that a black man could be outstripping you in your run for president. – Mary Katharine Ham
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