Pietro Aretino Perugia is my true fatherland because there I grew to manhood. – Pietro Aretino Fatherland Quotes Grew Quotes Manhood Quotes Perugia Quotes TRUE Quotes I am a free man. I do not need to copy Petrarca or Boccaccio. My own genius is enough. Let others worry themselves about style, and so cease to be themselves. Without a master, without a model, without a guide, I go to work and earn my living, my well-being and my fame. Why should the eyes be denied what delights them most?
Amitava Kumar Authenticity does matter, but only as it serves the novel’s more traditional literary demands: that the fault lines be drawn where the internal life and the larger world meet. – Amitava Kumar
Jacob Collier I suppose technically I could say I’m based in jazz, just because it’s the school of thought that I’ve been encouraging myself to operate within. – Jacob Collier
Patti Harrison I try and be as vulnerable in my comedy as possible, to open that door for other people. – Patti Harrison
Steven Crowder America has no culture!’ is a phrase that we’ve all heard many times in our lives. As is often the case, a lie repeated often enough becomes an assumed truth (kind of like the tall tale of Janeane Garofalo being a comedian). – Steven Crowder
Shaquille O'Neal I’ve always been a leader. Every team I’ve played on, I’ve led my way. – Shaquille O’Neal
Chris Chibnall In a wider sense, I’m terrified about my kids coming down to breakfast and saying, ‘Trump said this and they’ve voted him president?’ How do you explain to your children how to behave as a man in this world? – Chris Chibnall
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