Eric Alterman Philosophers and theologians have argued for centuries over the morality of targeted assassinations – a technique that the Israelis use with some frequency – without ever reaching anything approaching consensus. – Eric Alterman Approaching Quotes Argued Quotes Assassinations Quotes Centuries Quotes Consensus Quotes Frequency Quotes Israelis Quotes Morality Quotes Philosophers Quotes Reaching Quotes Targeted Quotes Technique Quotes Theologians Quotes Most of the provisions designed to fix what ails our health system don’t kick in until 2014, which, one wishes administration officials had noticed, is two years after he has to win an election. Obama, like Carter, is reacting to warning signs by seeking to split the difference between dispirited Democrats and increasingly radicalized Republicans.
Phillip E Johnson No doubt it is true that science cannot study God, but it hardly follows that God had to keep a safe distance from everything that scientists want to study. – Phillip E Johnson
Ben Horowitz I think when companies are struggling, they don’t want to talk to the press. The guys who write business books aren’t interested in it because nobody wants to learn what it’s like to be a mess, you want to learn how to be successful. That’s slanted the whole thing quite a bit. – Ben Horowitz
Angela Duckworth I worked hard when I was a consultant. I worked hard when I was in graduate school looking at neuroscience. I worked hard as a teacher. But those are completely different career paths. And the lack of direction is why I didn’t get far enough in any of those things. – Angela Duckworth
Patty Hearst And here in Los Angeles, once again, I’m going to go down and be a witness. There’s a guilty plea. I don’t mind being on the witness stand, but I think they mind it a lot. – Patty Hearst
Petra Collins Curating, in the modern sense, is something I gravitate to. Taking different ideas from a bunch of different places and putting them into one place or space, a story that makes sense or a new idea. Everything is remixed and taken from other things to make something new. – Petra Collins
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