Karl Jaspers Philosophic meditation is an accomplishment by which I attain Being and my own self, not impartial thinking which studies a subject with indifference. – Karl Jaspers Accomplishment Quotes Attain Quotes Impartial Quotes Indifference Quotes Meditation Quotes Philosophic Quotes Studies Quotes Subject Quotes Thinking Quotes Philosophy as practice does not mean its restriction to utility or applicability, that is, to what serves morality or produces serenity of soul. My own being can be judged by the depths I reach in making these historical origins my own.
Jonathan Safran Foer To remember my values, I need to lose certain tastes and find other handles for the memories that they once helped me carry. – Jonathan Safran Foer
Josh Gordon I am not someone who deserves to be dissected and analyzed like some tragic example of everything that can possibly go wrong for a professional athlete. – Josh Gordon
Franz Beckenbauer We are the last remaining country to allow ourselves two breaks in the season. You just have to look at England, Italy and Spain, they play right through the season. We on the other hand take six weeks off in the winter until the end of January, and that is a luxury. – Franz Beckenbauer
Eliot Sumner My French is terrible, and my Spanish is even worse. I find Spanish really difficult. They speak so quickly, whereas in German, it’s very clear what they’re saying. It’s easier to repeat. – Eliot Sumner
Francis LawrenceTravel I think the movie business and film crews are a little bit like the circus, in that we travel around like a pack and we’re a big family for a finite period of time. We roll into someplace, cause a bunch of damage, and then roll out. – Francis Lawrence
George W Bush The men and women of Afghanistan are building a nation that is free, and proud, and fighting terror – and America is honored to be their friend. – George W Bush
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