Daniel Farke Players need trust, they are human beings and only in comfortable surroundings will you bring better performances. We try always to create situations where the players feel comfortable. – Daniel Farke Bring Quotes Comfortable Quotes Create Quotes Feel Quotes Human Quotes Performances Quotes Players Quotes Situations Quotes Surroundings Quotes Trust Quotes Each and every head coach has their own ideas and philosophy. This club had a clear picture of what I would bring, and I was aware of what Norwich City means. I decided to sign here because I’m fully convinced this club is where I want to be. When you want to be a good coach you have to have the full package, that’s for sure. I don’t believe that you always have to punish or instil fear into players like the old days.
Cathleen Schine If you spend all your time reading books that you only pretend to understand, year after year, there isn’t much room for anything else. – Cathleen Schine
Ed Skrein I always roll with the way things are, so as soon as one decision happens, you just realign and move on and make another decision. – Ed Skrein
Aleister Black I only thought I’d get one arm done at first. One arm turned into the other arm. Then I started tattooing my lower arms. I remember saying, ‘Mom, don’t worry, I’m never going to do anything on my neck.’ Then I went to my neck and my chest and my legs, and I kept on progressing from there. – Aleister Black
Shanola Hampton I think what ‘Shameless’ does well is highlight real relationships. And in any real relationship, there are ups and downs and elements that change the dynamics of the relationship. – Shanola Hampton
Jeff Greenfield When the blood of thousands of Americans is shed, the impact lingers. For a generation after the Civil War, the Republican injunction to ‘vote as you shot’ kept the party dominant for decades; from 1868 to 1912, only one Democrat – Grover Cleveland – won the White House. – Jeff Greenfield
George Eastman If a man has wealth, he has to make a choice, because there is the money heaping up. He can keep it together in a bunch, and then leave it for others to administer after he is dead. Or he can get it into action and have fun, while he is still alive. I prefer getting it into action and adapting it to human needs, and making the plan work. – George Eastman
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