Susannah McCorkle Please believe that I do this because I am convinced that my illness cannot be helped for any length of time and I cannot bear to be a burden on anyone any longer. – Susannah McCorkle Bear Quotes Burden Quotes Convinced Quotes Helped Quotes Illness Quotes Time Quotes Thank God for beautiful songs about feeling despair when you yourself are in despair. They really get us through. People will always need love, romance, a tender touch, and really personal and deeply felt music.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinGreat Through every rift of discovery some seeming anomaly drops out of the darkness, and falls, as a golden link into the great chain of order. – Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Albert Murray Now, one can often get away with playing music by ear when it is not being recorded, but writing is another matter; its mistakes are not forgotten because they are still there to confuse us. – Albert Murray
Lacey Sturm When I left Flyleaf I really wanted to stay connected with the fans and so I continued to answer emails and tried to write some blogs and stay connected that way and my husband could tell that I was just super heavy about the fans and just being able to reach out to them so he suggested that I write a book. – Lacey Sturm
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