Michelle Steel Policymakers should take note that tax proposals are always veiled in good intentions, but many times the negative consequences remain unseen. – Michelle Steel Consequences Quotes Intentions Quotes Negative Quotes Note Quotes Policymakers Quotes Proposals Quotes Remain Quotes Tax Quotes Times Quotes Unseen Quotes Veiled Quotes California’s Depression-era lawmakers, who created our sales, use and personal income tax laws, thought it was wrong to double-tax goods and services. When drafting the state’s sales tax code, they used the precise phrase ‘tangible goods’ to avoid any excess taxation. There’s also no doubt that tax evasion rises along with taxes.
D A Pennebaker A film is made in somebody’s head – out of their determination to do it at all. – D A Pennebaker
Julie Delpy I was six years old when I saw my first Godard movie, eight when I first experienced Bergman. I wanted to be a director when I was fourteen. – Julie Delpy
Jack Reynor If you have an opportunity to reach people on a broad scale, it’s not enough to just entertain people. You have to take responsibility. You has to do something substantial. Otherwise you’re squandering what you have. – Jack Reynor
BrainyJrMartin Luther KingMen Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think. – Martin Luther King, Jr
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