John O'Toole Political commercials encourage the deceptive, the destructive and the degrading. – John O’Toole Commercials Quotes Deceptive Quotes Degrading Quotes Destructive Quotes Encourage Quotes Political Quotes Yes, I sell people things they don’t need. I can’t, however, sell them something they don’t want. Even with advertising. Even if I were of a mind to. When executing advertising, it’s best to think of yourself as an uninvited guest in the living room of a prospect who has the magical power to make you disappear instantly.
Susana Martinez I actually became a lawyer because I thought you had to be a lawyer in order to get into national politics. – Susana Martinez
Edie Falco Writers, actors, anybody working on an ensemble-type thing, there are going to be some creaks in the beginning. It seems like there’s tremendous potential in just letting things sort of breathe a little bit. It’s tremendously important. – Edie Falco
John Shelby Spong The audience that I try to reach are members of what I call the church alumni association. Now they are people who have not found in institutional religion a God big enough to be God for their world. – John Shelby Spong
Paul Polman Permissible growth in the future has to be based on sustainable and equitable models. – Paul Polman
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