JrOdell Beckham Pops played football for LSU. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been working with him running routes and stuff. – Odell Beckham, Jr Football Quotes Lsu Quotes Odell Beckham Quotes Played Quotes Pops Quotes Remember Quotes Routes Quotes Running Quotes Stuff Quotes I’ve worked hard throughout my entire life, but I don’t think all the hard work could have produced the same results without all the genetics I was given. I pretty much look like an identical twin of my mom.
Stella Young It is a truth universally acknowledged that from puberty onwards, the female body is disgusting and unruly and must be tamed, trimmed and tinted to within an inch of its life before it can be allowed to roam freely in the public eye. – Stella Young
Jose Canseco I cannot bet my life on it, because I was not involved, that Alex Rodriguez ever used steroids. But in my opinion, I suspect he has, yes. – Jose Canseco
Jeff Van Gundy I quit the Knicks, so I know what quitting is. I did. I quit. And it’s something I regret to this day. I live with it every day, and I regret it. And I let my emotions come into it. And I was just emotionally spent. I made a bad decision, and I quit. – Jeff Van Gundy
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