John Whaite Porridge, for me, has always been of the Scottish variety: salted, and for breakfast. The idea of claggy oatmeal mixed with hollandaise and a runny poached egg is almost nauseating. – John Whaite Breakfast Quotes Claggy Quotes Egg Quotes Hollandaise Quotes Idea Quotes Mixed Quotes Nauseating Quotes Oatmeal Quotes Poached Quotes Porridge Quotes Runny Quotes Salted Quotes Scottish Quotes Variety Quotes I was a 23-year-old law student when I won the ‘Great British Bake Off’ in 2012. For 10 weeks I had balanced my degree finals with the tension and scrutiny inside the white tent (not to mention a few nights out here and there). Addiction to the razzle dazzle came naturally to the youthful me.
Roberta Williams Freshness is important. If a game is fresh, new, intriguing, challenging, and enchanting, it will sell, and sell well. – Roberta Williams
Eric Kandel I was born in Vienna on November 7, 1929, eleven years after the multiethnic Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart following its defeat in World War I. – Eric Kandel
Craig Benson And, in the case of schools, or anything else, if you have something that is forcing you to do better than you did the day before, it makes you look forward and it makes you think in a way that’s going to make the product better, which is the students and the education. – Craig Benson
Courteney Cox At one point my dad called me and said, ‘You have always been a great salesman. I think it’s time you come home and sell swimming pools.’ – Courteney Cox
Nia DaCosta This is one of the biggest reasons I’m a writer: I love creating worlds but also discovering worlds and getting into the lives to people who aren’t myself; that’s really rewarding to me. – Nia DaCosta
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