Robert Byrne Prejudices save time. – Robert Byrne Prejudices Quotes Save Quotes Time Quotes Once-dominant games like straight pool and three-cushion billiards have lost ground to eight-ball – the game of choice for millions of tavern league players – and nine-ball, the preeminent tournament game. There is money to be made giving trick-shot shows at schools, clubs, tournaments, and even shopping centers. Pool shows on television almost always include a few fancy shots.
Michael Nutter To succeed in big-city politics requires a powerful, motivating vision of a better world, a plan to get there, a willingness to meet constituents on their terms, and a tough political skin. – Michael Nutter
Margaret Hoover In some ways, Herbert Hoover can be considered a millennial in spirit: young at the turn of the century, aware of America’s past but deeply committed to building its future. His greatest passion and highest calling was service to others, and he measured his life’s successes not in dollars and votes but in results achieved. – Margaret Hoover
GodNicki Minaj People face difficulties, no matter who you are. I faced difficulties with a lot of things. I face opposition every day, but I didn’t kill myself and now, thank God, I’m here. – Nicki Minaj
George Edward Woodberry The poet craves emotion, and feeds the fire that consumes him, and only under this condition is he baptized with creative power. – George Edward Woodberry
Penny Junor Britain has had some very strong and successful queens throughout history, but, since the Act of Succession in 1701, they have only been eligible to take the throne if they had no brothers. If there was a boy in the family, no matter where he came in the order of birth, he leapfrogged his sisters to take the title. – Penny Junor
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