Antony Blinken President Donald J. Trump was right to strike at the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for using a weapon of mass destruction, the nerve agent sarin, against its own people. – Antony Blinken Agent Quotes Alassad Quotes Bashar Quotes Destruction Quotes Donald Quotes Mass Quotes Nerve Quotes People Quotes President Quotes Regime Quotes Sarin Quotes Strike Quotes Syrian Quotes Trump Quotes Weapon Quotes Our purpose is not to contain China, to hold it back, to keep it down. It is to uphold this rules-based order that China is posing a challenge to. Anyone who poses a challenge to that order, we’re going to stand up and – and defend it. Look, we don’t have the luxury of not dealing with China. There are real complexities to the relationship, whether it’s the adversarial piece, whether it’s the competitive piece, whether it’s the cooperative piece.
Karl Lagerfeld A collection is not just one basic idea. It comes from something that is in the air, something you suddenly like and put down on paper and then work out. – Karl Lagerfeld
Maryam Mirzakhani Sometimes, properties of a fixed hyperbolic surface can be better understood by studying the moduli space that parameterises all hyperbolic structures on a given topological surface. – Maryam Mirzakhani
Howard Jacobson I once belonged to a health club, where it cost me £2,000 a year to amble on a treadmill for half an hour a week and sit and read Grazia in the cooling-off area. – Howard Jacobson
Frank Skinner I can’t remember ever being desperate for money, even when I didn’t have any. – Frank Skinner
Paul Henderson The Bible says not to worry so I don’t. I just get up in the morning and ask God for help to get through the day. If tomorrow shows up then I’ll take the same shot tomorrow. – Paul Henderson
Gerry AdamsHistory We can be revisionist, and that’s a good thing to be at times, but we shouldn’t airbrush our history, so we can only make judgments in the objective conditions of that time. – Gerry Adams
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