Bernie Worrell Prince presented us at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. – Bernie Worrell Fame Quotes Hall Quotes Prince Quotes Rock Quotes Roll Quotes Providence School of Art students used to sneak into P Funk concerts. People like my voice and say I can sing, but I don’t like microphones in front of my face: it distracts me.
Stephanie Land As a poor person and someone who now writes extensively about social and economic justice, I’ve often noticed a lack of a focus on poverty appearing in news cycles or in debates among White House contenders. – Stephanie Land
Seth Lloyd It’s also a reasonable scientific program to look at the dynamics of the standard model and to try to prove from that dynamics that it is computationally capable. – Seth Lloyd
P Chidambaram I have maintained that the people of India are ahead of their governments. The people of India are at least 10 to 15 years ahead of their governments. – P Chidambaram
Anthony StorrRelationship It is only when we no longer compulsively need someone that we can have a real relationship with them. – Anthony Storr
AmazingRobert B Laughlin It was at Bell Labs that I first made direct contact with real semiconductor experts and thus began to fully understand what amazing materials they were and what they could do. – Robert B Laughlin
Ray Harryhausen So our films had a lot more to them than entertainment value, and I’m glad that a lot of people recognize that now. People realize now the value of them as educational. – Ray Harryhausen
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