Okky Madasari Prison Notebooks’ gives me a basic understanding of how power can influence people through cultural products and intellectual groups, so they will voluntarily support the hegemony. – Okky Madasari Basic Quotes Cultural Quotes Hegemony Quotes Influence Quotes Intellectual Quotes Notebooks Quotes People Quotes Power Quotes Prison Quotes Products Quotes Support Quotes Understanding Quotes Voluntarily Quotes Orientalism’ has successfully built my critical awareness to question and see the big picture of knowledge, perspective or idea from a Western point of view and always see things from different perspective. I have used Lenovo since I wrote my first novel. My old laptop broke, so I bought a new one, but still a Lenovo. It is one of my most essential devices.
Anne Reid If someone, a director, tries to tell me the way to do something, I’m not good at adapting. I need time to go away and think about things. – Anne Reid
Stephen Sondheim Nowadays, there are sometimes more producers than there are people in the cast, because it takes that much money to put a show on. – Stephen Sondheim
April Winchell Personally, I think tying garbage bags around your head and hands is overkill. – April Winchell
Jonathan Scott Growing up, we were in a strict household, so we weren’t allowed to have posters of our crushes and stuff on the wall – mine was Cristina Applegate. – Jonathan Scott
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