Alan Jackson Probably some of the songs I never even really listened to the lyrics. Half of them I’d hear off the radio and was probably singing the wrong words and didn’t even know it. – Alan Jackson Hear Quotes Listened Quotes Lyrics Quotes Radio Quotes Singing Quotes Songs Quotes Wrong Quotes I could have done a hundred songs, really. It was hard to narrow them down, because I tried to pick songs for the most part that actually did have some effect on me or influenced me in the past. It’s a scary word, ‘cancer.’
Davis Webb I think it’s great just to be around great quarterbacks who have played in this league for a long time because everybody wants to. – Davis Webb
Clay Travis I think 75% of sports fans just want sports. They want to sit down on their couch… pop open a beer, and they want to escape the serious things in life. – Clay Travis
Robert C O'Brien Under Marxism-Leninism, the self-proclaimed ideology of the Chinese Communist Party, individuals do not possess inherent value. People are merely a tool to achieve the ends of the collective nation-state. The idea may sound inhumane, but it is as fundamental to the CCP as the Bill of Rights is to Americans. – Robert C O’Brien
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