Rivers Cuomo Probably the most reliable comfort music for me over the years has been Bach. – Rivers Cuomo Bach Quotes Comfort Quotes Music Quotes Reliable Quotes I’m often troubled by a very strong instinct to share everything that’s going on with me. I want to feel that connection, even with people I don’t know. Then this other voice says, ‘That’s not prudent. People will use what you’ve said to hurt you.’ I just went to the hobby shop and got an electricity kit and a chemistry kit, and I’m really excited to do experiments like squeezing an egg into a bottle and growing crystals. I’m really getting into hobbies.
Mj Rodriguez You can’t force anyone to understand anything that they don’t want to understand. – Mj Rodriguez
Katie Cassidy I was a freshman and auditioned for the school play. Freshmen usually never got cast. I was the first freshman to be actually given a legitimate part and it was that feeling of ‘Wow! I broke the system!’ – Katie Cassidy
DesignMark McKinnon America glories in its tradition of the self-made individual. Political candidates compete to be a friend to entrepreneurs, and policymakers, imagining the next Microsoft or Google, design laws to back the innovator in the garage. – Mark McKinnon
David Cassidy Once they began doing ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ apparently the audience wasn’t that keen on the ordinary apprentice. That is probably the best indictment with our fascination with celebrity in our culture, which drives me crazy. – David Cassidy
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