Robert Graves Prose books are the show dogs I breed and sell to support my cat. – Robert Graves Books Quotes Breed Quotes Cat Quotes Dogs Quotes Prose Quotes Sell Quotes Support Quotes If I were a girl, I’d despair. The supply of good women far exceeds that of the men who deserve them. The remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he really is very good, in spite of all the people who say he is very good.
Alfred de Vigny From this, without doubt, sprang the fable. Man created it thus, because it was not given him to see more than himself and nature, which surrounds him; but he created it true with a truth all its own. – Alfred de Vigny
Mildred Dresselhaus Institutions are increasingly persuaded that political maneuvering is more important than scientific justification in securing federal funds. – Mildred Dresselhaus
Mark Takano It’s common sense to be for middle-class tax cuts and tax cuts on small businesses, to be for not allowing Medicare to be turned into voucher care. – Mark Takano
K D Lang I think masculinity is bravado against the mystery of the universe of women. It’s just a fear of not knowing what women have that’s so powerful. It’s this shield they put up to try to get closer. – K D Lang
Mary L Trump Donald’s ego has been and is a fragile and inadequate barrier between him and the real world, which, thanks to his father’s money and power, he never had to negotiate by himself. – Mary L Trump
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