Dorian Yates Protein is crucial to supplying muscle tissue with the building blocks it needs for its growth. – Dorian Yates Blocks Quotes Building Quotes Crucial Quotes Growth Quotes Muscle Quotes Protein Quotes Supplying Quotes Tissue Quotes I put myself in a trance before I even entered the gym. I’d lock myself in the office and go over the poundages from my last workout and visualize what I’m going to wear, how powerful I’m going to feel. When I was a teenager, you were either a punk, a skinhead or a mod, or you weren’t on the scene. Me and my mates were skinheads.
Nayeon I am pretty bad at doing my makeup myself, so these days, I am learning from a makeup artist. I treat my face as a sketchbook and am gradually trying things that I learned from the artist. – Nayeon
Joshua Micah Marshall I think of us as journalists; the medium we work in is blogging. – Joshua Micah Marshall
LogicRespect You have to respect people for what they do. Just because you don’t like it, it’s like, I don’t like heavy metal too much, but I can still respect it. – Logic
Erika Jayne I sleep on a Tempur-Pedic mattress, and I have custom-made sheets. They’re white with some patterns, and the highest thread count of Egyptian cotton you can get. – Erika Jayne
Gerald Vizenor The great liberation of imaginative writing is that you’re not held back by the facts. – Gerald Vizenor
ReligionSteve Hackett Religion deals in certainties and philosophy deals more in un-answered questions. – Steve Hackett
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