Bernie Worrell Providence School of Art students used to sneak into P Funk concerts. – Bernie Worrell Art Quotes Concerts Quotes Funk Quotes Providence Quotes School Quotes Sneak Quotes Students Quotes The radios are going to dictate. That’s another fight. That’s another story there. I wish they just let it be. Prince presented us at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Jim Butcher I’ve gotten into two fights since I’ve begun studying the martial arts, and each time, I was worried I’d kill the guy. One of my teachers always told me I had good power but bad control. – Jim Butcher
Michael Arden I had a sort of rocky upbringing, and I think the theater was a safe place for me. – Michael Arden
Buffy Sainte-Marie I’m not like a professional writer with professional skills. Songs kind of come into my head the same way they did when I was a kid. I say I’m an overgrown kindergarten kid. I work on songs. – Buffy Sainte-Marie
Ray Fisher If I had my druthers, I think a ‘Cyborg’ standalone would be a slightly more intimate story. One of the things that I always think is interesting with these sort of universes is, whenever there’s a world-threatening crisis, it always makes you wonder, ‘Where are the other members of the group? Why didn’t they show up?’ – Ray Fisher
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