Justin Welby Put not your trust in new leaders, better systems, new organisations or regulatory reorganisation. They may well be good and necessary, but will to some degree fail. – Justin Welby Degree Quotes Fail Quotes Leaders Quotes Organisations Quotes Regulatory Quotes Reorganisation Quotes Systems Quotes Trust Quotes Human fallibility recognised, God’s sovereignty trusted; these are also the only stable foundations for human beings in society. There’s something different about looking someone in the eyes and doing something dishonest to doing it over the phone or screen.
Daniel Dubois It’s pretty much the same routine every day. Come in Monday, bags and running. I like to get a run up in the morning with my brother and my sister and when I come in I’ll do another one. – Daniel Dubois
Kevin Mitnick I’m an expert witness in a case that’s in appeal about a guy who allegedly misappropriated source code from a major, major company – he actually worked there and then apparently they found it on his laptop later. – Kevin Mitnick
Simon Baron-Cohen What we want is that one day every workplace will be diverse – we already encourage that with gender and ethnicity, but the next frontier is neurodiversity and it will become ordinary. People won’t think twice about it. – Simon Baron-Cohen
JPEGMAFIA I don’t want anyone to expect anything from me. I just want them to know that I’m gonna put 1,037% into whatever I do. If I tell you I’m gonna release a folk/reggae/country album, just know at bare minimum there’s gonna be 1,010% put into it. – JPEGMAFIA
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