Nina Garcia Putting on fierce boots is an instant pick-me-up. – Nina Garcia Boots Quotes Fierce Quotes Instant Quotes Pickmeup Quotes Putting Quotes People always ask me if I could live in any other era what would it be, and I tell them none! I feel so lucky to live in an age where technology has changed and continues to change and make life so much more exciting. It keeps everyone young and constantly learning new things. The fashion editor as it used to be has changed. Now you have to wear many hats, and whoever tells you differently is wrong. Now you’re on TV, whether you want it or not.
John Heywood The loss of wealth is loss of dirt, as sages in all times assert; The happy man’s without a shirt. – John Heywood
Lee H Hamilton When you’re talking with a person at this level of the government, at the very highest level, I think you have to be very discreet because he, President Clinton, is very aware that anything he says publicly can have a profound impact on American politics and on world politics. – Lee H Hamilton
FriendshipGilbert Burns We’ll always have respect, but there’s no friendship inside the octagon, no smiles or fun games. I’m there to knock you out or submit you. Worst case scenario, I want to dominate the entire fight. – Gilbert Burns
Simon Mainwaring The evolution of social media into a robust mechanism for social transformation is already visible. Despite many adamant critics who insist that tools like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are little more than faddish distractions useful only to exchange trivial information, these critics are being proven wrong time and again. – Simon Mainwaring
Henry Mancini I had no idea ‘Moon River’ would do so well. I was too busy working to think about it. – Henry Mancini
John Locke Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has a right to, but himself. – John Locke
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