Rachel Dolezal Race is such a contentious issue because of the painful history of racism. Race didn’t create racism, but racism created race. – Rachel Dolezal Contentious Quotes Create Quotes Created Quotes History Quotes Issue Quotes Painful Quotes Race Quotes Racism Quotes As long as I can remember, I saw myself as black. I was socially conditioned to discard that. It was an all-white town. I was very unhappy. I felt like I was constantly self-sabotaging in order to conform to religion, culture dynamics. I was censoring myself. I was shutting down inside. I do wish I could have given myself permission to really name and own the me of me earlier in life.
Bonnie Langford I’d got a part in the original cast of ‘Cats’ when I was 16, and that kept me going for a while. After that, I felt lost, both personally and professionally – I was trying to find a way not to be seen only as this bubbly, bright, vivacious person. It felt like I’d lost the freedom to make mistakes. – Bonnie Langford
James Corden There were a couple of years where I got a bit lost – I went out too much, I was a bit heartbroken, thought I was a bit more of a dude than I really was. I would love to go back and have a strong word with myself. – James Corden
John Stamos I’m not the guy who bursts into the room. I’m the most insecure person you’ll meet if you get to know me. – John Stamos
Mandira Bedi Raj and I wanted a sister for Vir. My son is eight and we are looking at adopting a girl who could be between two-and-a-half to four-years-old. We have already thought of a name for her. We are going to call her Tara. – Mandira Bedi
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