John McWhorter Rap and spoken word have reawakened the country to poetry in itself. Texting and Twitter encourage creative uses of casual language, in ways I have celebrated widely. But we’ve fallen behind on savoring the formal layer of our language. – John McWhorter Casual Quotes Celebrated Quotes Country Quotes Creative Quotes Encourage Quotes Fallen Quotes Formal Quotes Language Quotes Layer Quotes Poetry Quotes Rap Quotes Reawakened Quotes Savoring Quotes Spoken Quotes Texting Quotes Twitter Quotes Word Quotes Ebonics – or black English, as I prefer to call it – is one of a great many dialects of English. And so English comes in a great many varieties, and black English is one of them. Every third person in the world is a drama queen. And crying ‘victim,’ especially when you’re not really a victim in any real way, feels good. It feels good to cry victim if you’re not one.
Misty Copeland Dance kind of was always just a part of my natural state as a child. It’s something that, whenever music was playing, I was dancing. – Misty Copeland
Albert Brooks By the way, movies are like sporting events in that you’re as good as the movie you’re in. You can sit in a room for 20 years and go do a movie and you can just kill in it and you move to the head of the line again. By the same token, you can do five movies a year and if they’re dreck, it’s nothing. – Albert Brooks
Nikki Glaser A lot of being a woman in this business is about how you look… That’s not why we’re even in this business; that’s not what people want from us. We’re valuable because we’re funny and because we have a voice and a point of view. – Nikki Glaser
Hugo Lloris I try to be committed, always. When I do something, I like to do it 100 per cent. – Hugo Lloris
Queen Latifah I enjoy just being me. I don’t need to be Queen Latifah, the brand, 24 hours a day. – Queen Latifah
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