Matt Reeves Really interesting genre films, especially monster movies, evoke the fears of the times intentionally. – Matt Reeves Evoke Quotes Fears Quotes Films Quotes Genre Quotes Intentionally Quotes Monster Quotes Movies Quotes Times Quotes It’s the idea that anticipation is as scary as anything in a movie could be. People’s imagination is the most effective tool in creating terror or dread. There’s tremendous shame with being bullied. I think there’s a level at which you think that there’s a reason that you’re being singled out, that you’re being chosen.
Joseph Rotblat When the START 2 treaty has been implemented – and remember it has not yet been ratified – we will be left with some 15,000 nuclear warheads, active and in reserve. Fifteen thousand weapons with an average yield of 20 Hiroshima bombs. – Joseph Rotblat
Alan Colmes I don’t delude myself into thinking I’ll bring anyone around to my way of thinking, especially Sean Hannity. – Alan Colmes
Megan Park I think the most important thing is you have to learn to love auditioning, which I have definitely learned to love. It’s going to be a huge part of your career, even if you’re right at the top. You’re still going to have to audition sometimes, and if you don’t learn to love that, that’s such a big part of what you’re job’s going to be. – Megan Park
Frank Wolf If there’s amnesty leading to citizenship, I’m going to vote against it again. – Frank Wolf
Monique Coleman As an African American actress, there are people who have been staples in my life that opened a door that I can walk through. I hope that I can have that impact. – Monique Coleman
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