Hermann von Helmholtz Reason we call that faculty innate in us of discovering laws and applying them with thought. – Hermann von Helmholtz Applying Quotes Discovering Quotes Faculty Quotes Innate Quotes Laws Quotes Reason Quotes The law in question asserts, that the quantity of force which can be brought into action in the whole of Nature is unchangeable, and can neither be increased nor diminished. Now, the external work of man is of the most varied kind as regards the force or ease, the form and rapidity, of the motions used on it, and the kind of work produced.
Barkha Dutt Textbook journalism everywhere in the world has always frowned upon the sting as a tool of reporting. – Barkha Dutt
Doris Burke From the time I was very little and I first picked up a ball, in the back of my head I thought I would coach the game. – Doris Burke
Nick Mohammed I always seemed to appreciate the production value in a show, whether it was a rotating set or a costume that has a bit that flies off it. – Nick Mohammed
Barry Keoghan That’s why I don’t live in L.A. First of all, I don’t have the money. But second, I want to stay grounded, to be surrounded by real people, to have my head on my shoulders instead of losing track of reality. – Barry Keoghan
Dimitar Berbatov A player becomes great only when he realises he has great team-mates. – Dimitar Berbatov
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