Mary Lou Jepsen Redirecting sunlight on the earth to the moon gives you enough light so that all of humanity can see. – Mary Lou Jepsen Earth Quotes Humanity Quotes Light Quotes Moon Quotes Redirecting Quotes Sunlight Quotes I feel in love with holography, which is that you don’t have to wear anything or carry anything. It is augmented reality, if you will. I designed a system to project video on the moon for all of humanity to see. I did this sort of as therapy as I was doing my Ph.D. in device physics.
Rodney Stark Every minister knows it’s harder to get the guys to church than the women. We ought to be asking why this is. – Rodney Stark
Demian Maia I think that people believe in lies and they repeat the lies so many times that the people start to believe, ‘ah, Demian is not fighting for the title because he doesn’t sell.’ – Demian Maia
Paul Whitehouse If I stand correctly in the mirror I can frame it so that I still have hair. But the camera doesn’t lie. – Paul Whitehouse
Kenya Moore My dad always speaks HIS truth. Sometimes it can be off-putting, polarizing, and misunderstood but underneath it all has a heart of gold and would do anything for his family. – Kenya Moore
Anita Diament The Bible – it’s sort of the other person in the room. There’s this book, the reader, and the Bible. – Anita Diament
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