Simon Sebag Montefiore Regarding themselves as irreplaceable, both Lenin and Stalin tried in different ways to destroy their successors – Lenin through a testament that attacked Stalin and Trotsky, Stalin through purges culminating in the Doctors’ Plot of 1953. – Simon Sebag Montefiore Attacked Quotes Culminating Quotes Destroy Quotes Doctors Quotes Irreplaceable Quotes Lenin Quotes Plot Quotes Purges Quotes Stalin Quotes Successors Quotes Testament Quotes Trotsky Quotes I always find that the more Jewish you are, the more people respect you. The Russian Revolution mobilized a popular passion across the world based on Marxism-Leninism, fueled by messianic zeal. It was, perhaps, after the three Abrahamic religions, the greatest millenarian rapture of human history.
Irwin Redlener Police officers and firemen are so visible in their daily work, there’s no mistaking they’re there – and that presence makes people feel secure. – Irwin Redlener
Aisling Bea You can use your womb if you want – it’s the most beautiful thing to do if you want – but it’s not our only reason to be put on this earth. – Aisling Bea
Suzan DelBene I definitely think it’s important for a CEO of any large corporation to understand how policy impacts their business and be aware of the decisions being made in Congress. – Suzan DelBene
Jeff Miller It is no secret that our tax code is drastically outdated and burdensome to all Americans. Fortunately, more and more people are aware daily of the inequities that arise from things such as the estate tax, and it has come to the forefront of Congress’ agenda. – Jeff Miller
Solomon Schechter By vulgarity I mean that vice of civilization which makes man ashamed of himself and his next of kin, and pretend to be somebody else. – Solomon Schechter
Eileen Myles If you have a dog, and you’re a person whose moods are constantly changing, there’s a moment when you look at the dog, and you feel bad for them because they’re attached to you, and so it’s funny for the dog to vocalize those things in some ways. – Eileen Myles
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