Anthony Hopkins Relish everything that’s inside of you, the imperfections, the darkness, the richness and light and everything. And that makes for a full life. – Anthony Hopkins Darkness Quotes Imperfections Quotes Life Quotes Light Quotes Relish Quotes Richness Quotes Beware the tyranny of the weak. They just suck you dry. I am a bit of a solitude person – a solitary personality. I like being on my own. I don’t have any major friendships or relationships with people.
Anne Bronte Beauty is that quality which, next to money, is generally the most attractive to the worst kinds of men; and, therefore, it is likely to entail a great deal of trouble on the possessor. – Anne Bronte
Mike Myers Dr. Evil got shortchanged in the first one. The family dynamic between Scott and Dr. Evil – the adventures of being an evil single parent – needed to be explored. – Mike Myers
Beny Steinmetz It’s hard for me to characterise myself. I think I’m balanced. Some people might say I’m cold-hearted. – Beny Steinmetz
Eric-Emmanuel SchmittMarriage I am not married anymore. I hate marriage… but it’s okay now. – Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Malachi Kirby Mum used to say that when I went out of the house, I represented her. I took that seriously. So I didn’t get involved with a lot of things. I held myself in a particular way. – Malachi Kirby
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