Susan Brooks Remarkably, there are leaders in Washington who don’t understand why it’s so important for us to have a budget. – Susan Brooks Budget Quotes Leaders Quotes Remarkably Quotes Understand Quotes Washington Quotes A budget matters to Americans who can’t afford to see their taxes go up or lose the jobs that would be destroyed in the process. I have never chosen my next job. I focus on what’s in front of me, and serendipity steps in.
Chris Thile Improvising is writing, too – there was no music and now there’s music. So that’s composition. And any time you take any sort of a performance liberty, you’re making a compositional choice. I don’t know a serious performer who hasn’t made compositional decisions, who hasn’t engaged in the art of composition. – Chris Thile
Fernando Alonso I want to live a normal life that I never had the opportunity to do for many years. – Fernando Alonso
Ruby Dee One reason I didn’t trust my writing for so long was that I always considered myself a serious dramatic actor. But people would always laugh when I shared my writing with them. It took my husband to help me see that I really am part humorist. – Ruby Dee
Matthew Ramsey This goes for our songwriting as well as our success as a band – the minute we stopped chasing what we thought people wanted to hear and started writing things that moved us, that’s when people started paying attention. – Matthew Ramsey
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