JrLouis V Gerstner Reorganization to me is shuffling boxes, moving boxes around. Transformation means that you’re really fundamentally changing the way the organization thinks, the way it responds, the way it leads. It’s a lot more than just playing with boxes. – Louis V Gerstner, Jr Boxes Quotes Changing Quotes Fundamentally Quotes Leads Quotes Lot Quotes Louis V. Gerstner Quotes Moving Quotes Organization Quotes Playing Quotes Reorganization Quotes Responds Quotes Shuffling Quotes Transformation Quotes What we believe is going to be very important is the delivery of traditional software and services and hardware over the Net. That’s a form of electronic marketplace. I’ve been accepted at Cambridge University. I want to study Chinese history and archaeology. I want to become a student. I want to read Chinese history and go on a dig.
Caroline Corr Yes, my mother was a singer, and my father played piano and keyboards. They were in a band together, though they also had regular jobs because they had kids and stuff like that. – Caroline Corr
Anupriya Goenka I initially moved to Bombay to work in the corporate space. After settling my family here in due course of time, I turned to acting which initially started off as a hobby that I wanted to pursue on the side and then became my profession to sustain my passion around five years back. – Anupriya Goenka
Sebastian Kurz If people have the choice of where they settle in Europe, then we cannot be surprised that they choose to come over here in search of a better life. – Sebastian Kurz
Laini Taylor The main thing I’ve learned is that we all have to learn to work with – and appreciate – the brain we’ve been given, and not waste time wishing things were easier. – Laini Taylor
Olivia Newton-John My father was a headmaster in England and then the dean of a college in Australia. We moved there when I was about five, so my education was in Australia, and I always felt I was Australian even though my passport was British. – Olivia Newton-John
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