Heather Cox Richardson Republicans are a shrinking minority ruling an increasingly angry majority that not only wants to change the Republican policies that are moving wealth upward, but also threatens to hold Republican leaders accountable to the law. – Heather Cox Richardson Accountable Quotes Angry Quotes Change Quotes Hold Quotes Increasingly Quotes Law Quotes Leaders Quotes Majority Quotes Minority Quotes Moving Quotes Policies Quotes Republican Quotes Republicans Quotes Ruling Quotes Shrinking Quotes Threatens Quotes Upward Quotes Wealth Quotes In the mid 19th century, it had taken a generation of political rhetoric to induce southern soldiers to fight for the interests of a small ruling class in the name of democracy. When Ronald Reagan’s administration was exposed for having illegally sold arms to Iran to raise money covertly for the Contra rebels fighting the Nicaraguan government, Reagan acknowledged that the evidence was damning – yet defended the principle behind the scheme.
Jessica Biel I like really uberfeminine, classic-looking things mixed with something rougher around the edges. I’ve been looking at Rihanna a lot, checking her out. She’s got something going on that I am sort of craving a little bit. – Jessica Biel
Daniel Bruhl My parents always went to rallies and demonstrated against certain things; my generation, we often have a political conscience, but we’re not that involved. – Daniel Bruhl
Jeanne Shaheen One of the things we need to do with North Korea, which is a rogue nation, is to get the international community in support of further sanctions, of keeping pressure on the North Korean regime. – Jeanne Shaheen
GreatMark WahlbergMorning I don’t go to Mass every day. But I go to church every day. Just sitting there, thinking – it’s a great way to start the morning, you know? You feel so good coming out, and your approach to everything is suddenly really clear. – Mark Wahlberg
Michael Phelps I have reached a place in my life where I need to sit down and say, ‘Well, what do I do? What’s best for me?’ I need to look into options for the future. – Michael Phelps
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