George Kaiser Rich, smart parents tend to have rich, smart kids – not because it’s genetic but because they can create a home environment and sensory stimulation that lower-income kids often don’t get. – George Kaiser Create Quotes Environment Quotes Genetic Quotes Kids Quotes Lowerincome Quotes Parents Quotes Rich Quotes Sensory Quotes Smart Quotes Stimulation Quotes Tend Quotes If you are born into poverty, the chances are good that your children will be born into poverty. Find a way to give poor kids the same cognitive stimulus that rich kids receive, and they should end up with the same tools for success. Those who have won the ovarian lottery by being born in an advanced society to loving parents have a special obligation to help restore the American Dream.
Duke EllingtonTime There are two kinds of worries – those you can do something about and those you can’t. Don’t spend any time on the latter. – Duke Ellington
John Prescott It’s moving in the right direction. It was in decline under the previous administration. – John Prescott
Carol S Dweck When someone endorses a fixed mindset, it can limit them, even if they’re successful at the moment, because if they start struggling and tumbling, they can lose their confidence, but also, they may not create a growth mindset environment for others. – Carol S Dweck
Buster Posey I think, thinking back earlier in my career, if I would have been told that I would be starting an All-Star Game at age 34, I’d be pretty happy about that. – Buster Posey
Floyd MayweatherJr I come from a very rough background, and I’m saying that if you work hard and dedicate yourself that you can make it, too. – Floyd Mayweather, Jr
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