Jeb BushPositive Right now people seem to be very tentative about the positive benefits of capitalism. – Jeb Bush Benefits Quotes Capitalism Quotes People Quotes Positive Quotes Tentative Quotes With a complicated childhood, you can either focus on the positive or the negative, and I chose to focus on the positive. There’s a fine line between stubbornness and the positive side of that, which is dogged determination.
Rahul Roy If I am a part of a huge setup where my role is blink and miss why would I do that? – Rahul Roy
Naomi Benaron Love truly does have the power to transcend evil. It can get us through the most unspeakable of events and give us the strength to keep on putting one foot in front of the other. – Naomi Benaron
Herbert Gold Diverting the internal traffic between the Writer as Angel of Light and the Writer as Hustler is that scribbling child in a grown-up body wondering if anybody is listening. – Herbert Gold
John Carpenter One could make money and get a career going with a low-budget horror film about killers attacking on holidays. It is always flattering to have somebody copy you. – John Carpenter
Brandon Jennings I started playing basketball when I was about three years old. After that, everything else just came naturally. I had older cousins that used to let me hang with them, so I got my toughness from them. – Brandon Jennings
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