Ann Nocenti Rotgut was, to me, just this way to get into the underground of Manhattan where you have these little pockets a villain could rise from; a rot in the bowels of Manhattan. It led to these stories that were just very creepy. – Ann Nocenti Bowels Quotes Creepy Quotes Led Quotes Manhattan Quotes Pockets Quotes Rise Quotes Rot Quotes Rotgut Quotes Stories Quotes Underground Quotes Villain Quotes I think the best collaborations in comics come from a lot of talks with the artists where you are finding out what they want to draw, what kind of villains they want to do. There is an unspoken feminist layer to Katana. She’s an aggressive modern woman with traditional Japanese roots. She was in love with her sword because she believed it contained her husband.
Deryck Whibley As you get older, you don’t really have any excuse to be stupid anymore, to be in the dark. – Deryck Whibley
Jacques Chirac National Missile Defense is of a nature to retrigger a proliferation of weapons, notably nuclear missiles. Everything that goes in the direction of proliferation is a bad direction. – Jacques Chirac
David Means From George Martin’s classically inspired production of the Beatles to Peter Gabriel’s early solo masterpieces, to Stereolab’s beautiful loops and blips, U.K.-based bands have often found a way to squeeze warmth and compassion from the stone-cold – especially now that the tubes are gone – machinery of the recording studio. – David Means
Maya Hawke When I was in my early and mid-teens, my style changed constantly. My clothing was inspired by ‘Annie Hall’ for a while, by a yoga teacher, a flower child, a pirate… name it. – Maya Hawke
Faye Wattleton Being a person who has had plastic surgery and goes to the gym five days a week to work my muscles up so they don’t look atrophied as a 60-year-old, I don’t disparage people who want to maintain their appearance. But what I don’t want is a society that tells me I have to. – Faye Wattleton
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