Jesse Itzler Running has become so therapeutic for me because I block out all thoughts or get really crystal clear business ideas. – Jesse Itzler Block Quotes Business Quotes Crystal Quotes Ideas Quotes Running Quotes Therapeutic Quotes If I had done ‘Go, New York, Go’ for the Spurs, it might not have worked. It really taught me a lot about demographics and tastes and styles. I never went to business school, so that whole experience was my crash course in marketing, contracts, negotiations, and product launches. Running is my meditation.
FunnyJeremy Lin It seems like everybody’s perception of me is very bipolar. To one group, it’s overpaid, overrated; to another group, it’s underpaid, underrated, underdog. It’s funny to me because there’s no real balance. – Jeremy Lin
Lauren Graham I’m baffled when young actors aren’t familiar with current film, television and theater, or aren’t interested in older films or plays and the history of the craft in general. If you don’t know what’s out there, and what came before, then how can you picture yourself working, and how can anyone else? – Lauren Graham
Michael Arad When I was in the Army, the unit I served in, you could never stop. It was a volunteer unit, and there was a fairly high rate of attrition. The people who stayed through are the people who were either great at it or the people who just didn’t know how to stop. And I fell into that second category. – Michael Arad
Sara Khan Coronavirus can happen to anyone, so, it’s really important to maintain good health overall. That way, when it hits you, you have an immune system that is strong enough to fight the virus. – Sara Khan
Dwight Yorke In my time you had to be the main man year after year to be able to demand respect at your club, but now it’s too easy because of the financial rewards on offer. – Dwight Yorke
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