Brent Scowcroft Saddam’s ouster will not necessarily lead to the same result, since Iraq lacks democratic traditions. Democracy doesn’t just consist of holding elections. – Brent Scowcroft Consist Quotes Democracy Quotes Democratic Quotes Elections Quotes Holding Quotes Iraq Quotes Lacks Quotes Lead Quotes Ouster Quotes Result Quotes Saddams Quotes Traditions Quotes I’m afraid that the United States is more isolated today than at any other time in my memory. After all, we didn’t bring democracy to Germany in 1945; Hitler destroyed democracy there first.
Nancy McKeon Actually I’ve never had formal training, I was lucky enough to continue working most of my career and aside from sitting in on a couple of classes, here and there, I basically just use my own instincts. – Nancy McKeon
Chi Chi Rodriguez I never had a childhood. I started working when I was 7 years old. I got $1 a day getting water for the workers at the sugar cane plant. – Chi Chi Rodriguez
John Conyers I am a Korean War veteran. I support our troops as much as anyone in this body, but I do so by advocating redeployment out of Iraq as soon as it can be safely done. – John Conyers
Aljamain Sterling I don’t want to be resentful to the sport. I want to be able to leave the sport on a high note. – Aljamain Sterling
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