Christopher Voss Salary negotiations shouldn’t be limited to just salary. Salary pays your mortgage, but terms build your career. – Christopher Voss Build Quotes Career Quotes Limited Quotes Mortgage Quotes Negotiations Quotes Pays Quotes Salary Quotes Terms Quotes No’ is a dynamic that you’ve got to master before you can ever master ‘yes.’ Price doesn’t make deals, and salary doesn’t control your career.
Martin Filler Despite the persistent image of the architect as a heroic loner erecting monumental edifices through sheer force of will, the building art has always been a highly cooperative enterprise. – Martin Filler
Carlene Carter Working with Mellencamp, I made new fans, people that may have never heard of me. They may have heard I was related to the Carter Family or Johnny Cash somehow, but what they got was pure Carlene. – Carlene Carter
Douglas Carter Beane When you do a film, when you do a television show, eventually someone comes along and will say to you, ‘Don’t say that because, one, you will offend someone, or, two, no one will get that. Someone’s going to be confused by that, not get the reference and feel abandoned, and then they will get angry at the entertainment.’ – Douglas Carter Beane
Simon Callow When the BBC decided to bring Doctor Who back as a feature film a few years ago, one national newspaper ran a poll to ask its readers who should be the new Doctor, and I topped it. – Simon Callow
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