Sterling K Brown Sarah Paulson is the most prepared and professional actor I’ve had the privilege of working with. I learned so much about preparation and attention to detail and speaking up when something is not right. – Sterling K Brown Actor Quotes Attention Quotes Learned Quotes Paulson Quotes Preparation Quotes Prepared Quotes Privilege Quotes Professional Quotes Sarah Quotes Speaking Quotes We all have our prejudices, and we may or may not be aware of them. Sometimes people walk by me and give me a wider berth. It happens. I wear hoodies all the time because my head gets cold. Something innocuous can be misunderstood. I’ve always told my wife, ‘Anytime I have an opportunity to be on something that I would watch even if I wasn’t on it, that’s when I get really, really giddy.’
Gautam Gambhir I am a very strong believer in one thing. The more physically fit you are, the more mentally fit you get. – Gautam Gambhir
Andrzej Duda Both Poland and Canada should be advocates of long-‘lasting, peaceful solutions in eastern Ukraine, based on unconditional respect of international law. – Andrzej Duda
Amala Akkineni Filmmaking these days is so technically advanced. When I started off, we had to wait for two to three months to see the rushes. But now you can see every scene on the monitor and you can see your work immediately. – Amala Akkineni
Karan Johar I find myself asking questions that as a filmmaker I never thought I would ask. Like I get a call from a magazine for a feature and my first question is, ‘Cover or not?’ Interview invite from a leading channel? I have stopped asking the topic. I’m just like ‘Primetime or not?’ If I am invited and put in the second row, I can be distraught for days! – Karan Johar
Chloe Sevigny Fashion embraces the weirdos. They’re into that. There are always young people that people in fashion are interested in. You know, youth and vitality and energy – it brings something different. – Chloe Sevigny
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