Ivar GiaeverScience Science is to find something unknown, while invention is to make something new out of the known theory. – Ivar Giaever Science Quotes Theory Quotes Unknown Quotes GIS, in its digital manifestation of geography, goes beyond just the science. It provides us a framework and a process for applying geography. It brings together observational science and measurement and integrates it with modeling and prediction, analysis, and interpretation so that we can understand things. In ‘Cosmicomics,’ I came close to science fiction – I was inspired by cosmological subjects and the workings of the universe and invented a character who was a sort of witness to everything that was happening inside the solar system.
Giorgio Chiellini Experience helps you read certain situations better and make less mistakes in terms of behavior. – Giorgio Chiellini
Sam Fender The Cure wrote ‘Boys Don’t Cry,’ and it’s the same today: as a boy, you’re not meant to show your emotions, but if you don’t have a job or any prospects, you’re going to be depressed, and it will be much worse if you can’t express that. I hate the term because it’s become a buzzword, but it’s toxic masculinity. – Sam Fender
Pete Hamill There is a growing feeling that perhaps Texas is really another country, a place where the skies, the disasters, the diamonds, the politicians, the women, the fortunes, the football players and the murders are all bigger than anywhere else. – Pete Hamill
Dennis Ross I can give substantive advice to the administration, the president’s campaign, or any campaign that would ask for it. And, of course, when I speak I can talk about my views on policy and I have been supportive of the president’s policy on leading foreign-policy issues. – Dennis Ross
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