Marilyn vos Savant Scientists and creationists are always at odds, of course. – Marilyn vos Savant Creationists Quotes Odds Quotes Scientists Quotes A person who learns to juggle six balls will be more skilled than the person who never tries to juggle more than three. I think change is possible, but only for individuals who were never truly gay in the first place and who have a strong personal motivation to recover their heterosexuality.
Peter Senge You go to any MBA program, and you will be taught the theory of the firm, that the purpose of the firm is the maximization of return on invested capital. I always thought this was a kind of lunacy. – Peter Senge
Laura van den Berg To me, in general, something that’s really rich in terms of identity about transit spaces is that they’re so intimate. Especially thinking about long international flights when we’re trying to sleep on the plane – we’re total strangers, but we’re sleeping next to each other. – Laura van den Berg
Suleika Jaouad During the first year of my cancer treatment, adopting a dog was out of the question. I spent more time in the hospital than out. And in the time I was able to spend at home, I had to live in a germ-free bubble to protect my fragile immune system. – Suleika Jaouad
Elias Canetti Whether or not God is dead: it is impossible to keep silent about him who was there for so long. – Elias Canetti
Allison Pearson Sometimes it’s a relief just to focus on putting one foot in front of the other. – Allison Pearson
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