Edgar Wright Scott Pilgrim’ is something that was a little bit more difficult to put in one box. But, to me, that’s not necessarily a bad thing about the movie. – Edgar Wright Bad Quotes Bit Quotes Box Quotes Difficult Quotes Movie Quotes Pilgrim Quotes Scott Quotes We were shooting ‘Hot Fuzz’ in my hometown of Wells, Somerset, and I remember looking at the dailies and going, ‘Wait, there’s a Starbucks in the shot. I don’t remember that being there!’ We had to digitally remove it; the same thing happened with a McDonald’s in another scene. I had this sensation of, ‘What’s going on here? Where am I?’ I think, ‘Scott Pilgrim,’ it was something where the general audience didn’t necessarily understand straight away what it was.
Asin I don’t consider myself so big that I can’t work with any other actress. I’m very easy-going. – Asin
Frank Lautenberg I say I don’t need a tax cut. It will not do me any more good. I can’t buy more, I can’t eat more, I can’t do more, and I want it distributed among the ordinary people who work every day. – Frank Lautenberg
Michel Faber I had been attempting novels since I was 14 but always ran out of steam. High hopes, poor craftsmanship. – Michel Faber
David Longstreth Being in a band can be really toxic to being in a relationship, considering all the touring and everything. Sometimes when you’re on tour, it feels like you’re living the same day over and over again. – David Longstreth
Bhuvan Bam Fame has not changed me as a person, but life on the whole has changed a lot. I belong to a middle class family and that hasn’t changed. – Bhuvan Bam
Joseph Stiglitz I went to Amherst because my brother had gone there before me, and he went there because his guidance counselor thought that we would do better there than at a large university like Harvard. – Joseph Stiglitz
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