Hasan Minhaj Sean Spicer has somehow been doing PR since 1999, which is 18 years. Somehow, after 18 years, his go-to move was denying the Holocaust. – Hasan Minhaj Denying Quotes Goto Quotes Holocaust Quotes Sean Quotes Spicer Quotes Every time Trump goes golfing, the headline should read, ‘Trump Goes Golfing. Apocalypse Delayed.’ Only in America can the first-generation Indian American Muslim kid get on the stage and make fun of the president.
James Bovard The Federal Government is exploiting public fear to redefine the relationship between the rulers and the American people. – James Bovard
EducationJulia GillardWork Through hard work and education, we can deliver a strong economy and opportunity for all. – Julia Gillard
Ludovico Einaudi I am compared to other classical musicians, but most of them perform songs from other people, and most of those composers belong to another era. – Ludovico Einaudi
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